Dr. Todd Bartee


Office: BHS 316   |    Phone: (308) 865-8179   |    Email: barteet2@thestudioentrance.com

Dr. Todd Bartee



Areas of Interest:

  • 健康教育与健康促进,实施科学,制度变革


  • A.A. (1992) - Central Community College
  • B.S. Ed. (1994) – University of Nebraska – Lincoln
  • M.A. (1996) – University of Alabama
  • Ph.D. (2000年)-阿拉巴马大学(与阿拉巴马大学伯明翰公共卫生学院联合项目)

Professional Affiliations:

  • American Public Health Association
  • Public Health Association of Nebraska
  • Society for Public Health Education


  • 预测在青少年运动员中使用膳食补充剂作为助剂. Ph.D. 论文,阿拉巴马大学,塔斯卡卢萨,阿拉巴马州.


  • Bartee R.T., Heelan K.A., Golden C.A., Hill J.L., Porter G.C., Abbey B.A., George K., Foster N., Estabrooks P.A.  2023.  一种有效的基于证据的儿童体重管理干预的适应.  Prevention Science.  http://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-023-01557-7 
  • Michaud, T.L., Hill, J.L., Heelen, K.A., Bartee, T., Abbey, B.M., Malmkar, A., Masker, J., Golden, C., Porter, G., Glasgow, R.E., and Estabrooks, P.A.  2022.  了解儿童体重管理干预的实施成本:一项经济评估方案.  Implementation Science Communications 3(37). doi:10.1186/s43058-022-00287-1
  • Golden, C., Heelan, K.A, Hill, J., Bartee, T., Abbey, B.M, and Estabrooks, P.A.  2021.  一个微型城市儿童体重管理干预成功的定性比较分析方案和参与者因素.  Childhood Obesity 18(5).  doi.org/10.1089/chi.2021.0160
  • Heelan, K.A., Abbey, B.M, Bartee, R.T., Estabrooks, P.A., Malmkar, A., Jacobs, T., and Hill, J.L.  2021.  包装儿科体重管理干预和农村和小城市社区的实施蓝图-内布拉斯加州CORD 3.0 project. Childhood Obesity  17(S1):S-62-S69.  doi.org/10.1089/chi.2021.0171
  • Hill, J.L., Heelan, K.A., Bartee, T., Wichman, C., Michaud, T., Abbey, B., Porter, G., and Estabrooks, P.A.  2021.  儿童体重管理干预的III型混合效果-实施试点试验,测试,传播和实施策略:内布拉斯加州儿童肥胖研究示范项目. Childhood Obesity  17(S1):S70-S78.  doi.org/10.1089/chi.2021.0170
  • Porter, G.C., Schwab, R., Hill, J.L., Bartee, R.T., Heelan, K.A., Michaud, T.L., and Estabrooks, P.A.  2021. 探讨现实体重管理支持对患者的可行性和特点:农村焦点群体, micropolitan, and metropolitan primary care providers.  Preventive Medicine Reports  23:1-8.  doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101390
  • Golden, C.A., Hill, J.L., Heelan, K.A., Bartee, R.T., Abbey, B.M., Malmkar, A., and Estabrooks, P.A.  2021.  一项传播战略,以确定在地理服务不足地区准备实施儿科体重管理干预措施的社区.  Preventing Chronic Disease  18:200248.  dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd18.200248
  • Porter, G., Laumb, K., Michaud, T., Brito, F., Petreca, D., Schwieger, G., Bartee, T., Yeary, K., and Estabrooks, P.  2019.  了解农村减肥干预措施的影响:一项系统回顾和荟萃分析. Obesity Reviews  20:713-724.
  • Bartee, R.T., Burger, P.R., Heelan, K.A., Coughlin, A., and Combs, S.J.  2019.  癌症幸存者获得专门为他们设计的锻炼项目的空间分析.  The Pennsylvania Geographer  57(2):1-15.
  • Bartee, R.T., Heelan, K.A., and Dority, B.L.  2018.  有氧健身和学业排名对学生有氧健身水平提高与学业成绩之间关系的影响.  Journal of School Health  88(9):644-650.
  • Saint-Maurice, F.P., Welk, G.J., Bartee, R.T., and Heelan, K.A.  2016.  评估青少年身体活动行为的特定情境调查项目的校准.  Journal of Sports Sciences. doi:10.1080/02640414.2016.1194526
  • Heelan, K.A., Bartee, R.T., Nihiser, A., and Sherry, B.  2015.  减少儿童肥胖——科尔尼内布拉斯加州的故事.  Childhood Obesity  11(5):600-607.
  • Adkins, M., Bice, M., Heelan, K., and Bartee, T.  2015.  通过体育活动课增加在校期间的体育活动:对体育教育者的启示.  The Physical Educator  72:173-184.
  • Abbey, B.M., Heelan, K.A, Brown, G.A., and Bartee, R.T.  2014.  用于水合状态评估的hydrtrend™试剂条的验证.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research  28(9):2634-2639.
  • Saint-Maurice, F.P., Welk, G.J., Beyler, N.K., Bartee, R.T., and Heelan, K.A.  2014.  体力活动研究自我报告工具的校准:体力活动问卷(PAQ).  BMC Public Health 14:461.  doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-461
  • Heelan, K.A. Combs, J., Berger, P., Abbey, B., and Bartee, R.T.  2013.  中西部两个社区学校交通模式及其对BMI影响的评估.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health  10(5):632-40.
  • Holt, E.E., Bartee, R.T., and Heelan, K.A.  2013.  评估将体育活动纳入学校日常活动的政策.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health  10(4):480-7.
  • Hoyle, T.B., Bartee, R.T., and Allensworth, D.D.  2010.  在学校应用健康促进的过程. Journal of School Health  80(4):163-166.
  • Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, D.M., Broomfield, J.F., Smith, M.L., and Smith, D.T.  2009.  体育活动与中枢性肥胖的8个月随访:来自互联网的随机对照试验干预结果.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health  6(4):445-455.
  • Smith, D.T., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., and Carr, L.J.  2009.  美国印第安学童超重患病率及校外季节期对体重指数的影响.  Preventing Chronic Disease  6(1).  http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2009/jan/07_0262.htm
  • Carr, L.J., Bartee, R.T., Dorozynski, C.M., Broomfield, J.F., Smith, M.L., Smith, D.T.  2008.  互联网提供的行为改变计划增加了久坐成年人的身体活动,改善了心脏代谢疾病的风险因素:一项随机对照试验的结果.  Preventive Medicine  46:431–438.
  • Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., Smith, D.T., Welk, G., and Fu, Q.  2008.  体育锻炼和看电视对美国儿童超重的综合影响.S. youth.  International Journal of Obesity  32:613-618.
  • Smith, D.T., Vendela, M.J., Bartee, R.T., and Carr, L.  2008.  1999-2004年农村一年级学生体重指数显著上升:  A time for behavioral intervention?  Journal of Rural Health  24:40-48.
  • Bartee, R.T., Olsen, S.E., & Winnail, S.D.  2006.  专业卫生教育与公共卫生核心能力之比较.  American Journal of Health Studies  21:11-19.
  • Winnail, S.D., Bartee, R.T., and Kaste, S.  2005.  边境州学校卫生协调员的存在. Journal of School Health  75:329-333.
  • Bartee, R.T., Grandjean, B.D., & Bieber, S.L.  2004.  确认理论驱动仪器的可靠性. American Journal of Health Studies  19:175-179.
  • Bartee, R.T., Grandjean, B.D., Dunn, M.S., Perko, M.A., Eddy, J.M., & Wang, M.Q.  2004.  青少年运动员膳食补充剂使用的预测因素.  Pediatric Exercise Science  16:250-264.
  • Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., & Damori, K.  2004.  农村大学生中高强度体育活动与体重状况.  Journal of Physical Activity and Health  1:209-217.
  • Garcia, K., Eisenmann, J.C., and Bartee, R.T.  2004.  冠心病家族史会改变年轻人体力活动与血压之间的关系吗?  Eur J Cardiovasc Prevention Rehab  11:201-206.
  • Bartee, R.T., Winnail, S.D., Olsen, S., Diaz, C., and Blevens, J.A.  2003.  评估边境国家公共卫生工作人员的能力.  Journal of Community Health  28:459-469.
  • Dunn, M.S., Bartee, R.T., and Perko, M.A.  2003.  青少年自我报告的酒精使用和性行为.  Psychological Reports  92:339-348.
  • Winnail, S.D. & Bartee, R.T.  2002.  学区督学的主要关注点如何指导学校卫生工作?  Journal of School Health  72:408-412.
  • Winnail, S.D., & Bartee, R.T.  2002.  What makes health educators unique?  American Journal of Health Education  33:5-7.
  • Eisenmann, J.C., Bartee, R.T., & Wang, M.Q.  2002.  Physical activity, TV viewing, and weight in U.S. youth: 1999 youth risk behavior survey.  Obesity Research  10:379-385.
  • Dunn, M.S., Eddy, J.M., Perko, M.A., & Bartee, R.T.  2001.  Influence of parents, coaches and trainers on attitudes, subjective norms, 以及男性和女性青少年运动员在膳食补充剂使用方面的意向.  Journal of Adolescent and Family Health  3:141-146.
  • Dunn, M.S., Eddy, J.M., Wang, M.Q., Nagy, S., Bartee, R.T. & Perko, M.A.  2001.  The influence of significant others on attitudes, subjective norms, 以及青少年使用膳食补充剂的意向. Adolescence  36:583-591.
  • Perko, M.A., Bartee, R.T., Dunn, M.S., Wang, M.Q., & Eddy, J.M.  2000.  赋予术语“为团队付出”新的含义:对青少年运动员使用/不使用膳食补充剂的影响.  American Journal of Health Studies  16:99-106.
  • Eddy, J.M. & Bartee, R.T.  1999.  A primer on choosing a distance education program.  American Journal of Worksite Health Promotion  6:36-37.